Ms. Dyk's Classroom
Welcome to Ms. Dyk's Classroom!

Classroom Goals

1. Our long-term flourishing as people.   

2. Communicate clearly: understand clearly what we read; communicate clearly when we write and speak.  

3. Work professionally.


Gradebook Setup

The goal of the gradebook categories is to value both the process and the product.

  • Quizzes = 25%

  • Published Works = 25%

  • Practice and Process = 50%


Late Work and Redoing Assignments

  • For the semester, each student has a coupon sheet for 10 late work assignments or redos of an assignment (this is not for quizzes). There is no deduction of points for using a coupon; students are simply limited to how many times they can turn something in late or redo it.

  • Quiz Corrections: No coupon is needed for a quiz correction. Quiz corrections are for half credit back. Students need to:

    • Pick up a quiz correction form from on top of the Chromebook cart.

    • Complete the form and make the corrections per the instructions.

    • Return the quiz correction form to the clearly labeled box on the Chromebook cart. 



A Glossary of Important Terms


  • This year, we are using binders to create a personalized resource book that will travel with students to the next grade. We are also keeping our practice in the binder.

  • Students have a specific space in the room to keep their binders. Students can take the binder home to study or take specific pages with them. 


Binder Checks

  • Whole Class Binder Check: Students open their binders to a specific page and Ms. Dyk checks the whole class at once.

  • Individual Binder Check: Students meet with Ms. Dyk and give her a tour of the pages in their binders. The work for individual binder checks is from the previous week.

  • These binder checks are part of the Practice and Process section of the gradebook. 


Google Classroom 

  • An online learning management system that students can access at school and at home. 

  • Students need to login using the same username and password as their Chromebooks at school.

  • Quizzes, assignments, and important material are posted there.


Teacher for the Day

  • All days but quiz days, one student earns 10 points in the Practice and Process section of the gradebook. Teacher for the Day corrects the sentence for the day, hands out any paper, and puts their writing underneath the document camera if we have any for the day. 



  • Ms. Dyk knows that practice helps us not just learn the knowledge and skill but also confidence.

  • Types of practice: whole-class, partner practice, individual practice



  • PearDeck is an extension of Google Slides. What is on the teacher's screen is also on the students' screens, with some of the slides being interactive. Ms. Dyk likes this because we can both learn from each other, and we can see what we understand. 

    • Instructor Paced: Students go to joinpd.com and type in an access code. What is on Ms. Dyk’s screen is then on the students’ screens.

    • Self-Paced: Students join by going to the link in Google Classroom. Students work at their own pace through the slides. 



An Incomplete List about Ms. Dyk

1.  I quite enjoy travel and also time travel. Time travel? I hear the question echoing in the air. Yes, time travel. For when I read, I travel back in time, and when I write I send words to the future. 

2. I also enjoy questing for treasure. The world is full of treasure; the classroom is full of treasure. Learning is full of treasure. 

3. Two favorite quotes: "Clear is kind." -Brene Brown  and "We do not rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training." -Archilochus

3. I am a 2004 Bowman High School graduate, 2008 NDSU graduate (B.A. in English Education), and a 2016 NDSU graduate (M.A. in English with concentration in composition). 

4. My favorite color is yellow.

5. I have been to the Great Wall of China several times. 

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