Hello from Hazen Public School 5th grade Math, Science, and Health. This is my first year in the Hazen Public School system. Students are starting to learn multi-step methods to solve problems and gain number sense in our first module.
I would like parents to know that your student's success in 5th grade is my priority. We have challenging math and when students want to improve their grade, they have options available to them to receive the help that they need. The students can redo their classwork and hand it back in for an improved grade. The students can also miss a recess to receive small group help. I also offer extra credit work for the students.
I would also encourage parents to utilize you tube to access videos concerning Eureka Math when trying to help your child with their homework. There are videos that explain the lessons from experienced educators. Type in the module and lesson number to access videos that explain the Eureka math lessons.
We are beginning to dive into Mystery Science. We have completed our first scientific experiment and have created a mold terrarium. We will observe the mold growth through this week.
I am enjoying teaching 5th grade Math and Science and look forward to a successful year. Please reach out to me at Deborah.dub@k12.nd.us. with any questions or concerns. Your student's success is my top priority.
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