Welcome, I am Mr. Helde, I have lived in Hazen for 18years and have been a Math and Science teacher in Hazen High School since 2008. I am originally from Epping, North Dakota and graduated high school from Ray, North Dakota. I then attended UND-Williston for two years and then transferred to Dickinson State University where I graduated with a bachelors in teaching degree. I am married to Rhonda Helde and we have three children Kadyn, Hannah and Paige.
Contact me at Jason.Helde@k12.nd.us
There are no upcoming events today.
Class Syllabus and Policies
Mr. Helde
Class Syllabus and Policies
Mr. Helde
Class Rules
Materials needed everyday:
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Lab rules.
- No food, gum or water is allowed while we are doing labs.
- Labs need to be clean before we start and after we finish, your lab group will lose points if your lab station is not properly cleaned up when you leave.
- The more material we get through in class means we will get to do more labs. If you have questions about the material ask right away.
- Labs are not guaranteed, they must be earned. If you unsafe during a lab you will not be allowed to participate during the next lab and will write a 2 page paper to make up for the lab.
- If you miss a lab it you will be required to clean the chemistry lab for 30 minutes to make up the grade. You will receive a zero until you arrange a time with me to clean the lab.
If policies are not followed one of the following consequences will be carried out.
- Warning to student and/or conference with student
- Call to parent
- Referral to school administration.
Contact Info |
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I am available a half hour before school, a half hour after school, and during my prep if you have any questions. |
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