Mr. Helde's Classroom
Welcome to Mr. Helde's Class!

Mr. Helde's pictureWelcome, I am Mr. Helde, I have lived in Hazen for 18years and have been a Math and Science teacher in Hazen High School since 2008. I am originally from Epping, North Dakota and graduated high school from Ray, North Dakota. I then attended UND-Williston for two years and then transferred to Dickinson State University where I graduated with a bachelors in teaching degree. I am married to Rhonda Helde and we have three children Kadyn, Hannah and Paige.


Contact me at Jason.Helde@k12.nd.us

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Class Syllabus and Policies

Mr. Helde


Class Syllabus and Policies

Mr. Helde


Class Rules

  1. Come to class prepared every day and on time. Bring all the materials you will need for class, such as your book, notes, paper, pencil, calculator, etc…
  2. Be kind, courteous and polite to all others in the classroom.
  3. Phones, IPod, IPad etc. cannot be used as a calculator.
  4. Use the bathroom before coming to class.
  5. Be respectful of everyone in class.
  6. All cheating will result in a zero.

Materials needed everyday:

  1. Pencil
  2. Paper
  3. Book
  4. Notebook
  5. Calculator



  1. Homework is due the next class period unless I tell you otherwise. Homework 1 day late is worth 50%, after that it will be a zero.
  2. You will be allowed to retake 1 test per semester.
  • Cannot retake a test if you have any missing assignments or were caught cheating.
  • You must schedule a time to retake the test; if you do not show up at that time you will not be given any other opportunities to retake that test.


  1. If you have questions on a homework problem, you must attempt it before asking questions. After you have attempted the problem and still have a question, do not erase the problem before asking for help.
  2. All work must be shown in order to receive credit. If you do not show any work you will not receive any points.
  3. Partial points will be given on test and quizzes if work was partially correct. If you do not show any work you cannot receive any points, so it is in your best interest to always attempt all of the problems.
  4. Notes are required and will be graded.
  5. There is no chance of extra credit if you have missing work.


  1. Classes are weighted
  2. Physical Science: Homework 25% and Labs 10%, Test and Quizzes 60% Notes 5%
  3. Physics: Homework 25%, Labs 25%, Test and Quizzes 50%
  4. Chemistry: Homework 25%, Labs 25%, Test and Quizzes 50%
  5. Computer Programming: Projects 40%, Test 20% , Labs 40%






  1. Phones will not allowed in class at all this year.
  2. Phones brought into class will need to be placed in your assigned phone holder in the front of the classroom, if a phone is seen out it will be confiscated and I will follow the rules outlined in the student handbook.


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Lab rules.

  1. No food, gum or water is allowed while we are doing labs.
  2. Labs need to be clean before we start and after we finish, your lab group will lose points if your lab station is not properly cleaned up when you leave.
  3. The more material we get through in class means we will get to do more labs. If you have questions about the material ask right away.
  4. Labs are not guaranteed, they must be earned. If you unsafe during a lab you will not be allowed to participate during the next lab and will write a 2 page paper to make up for the lab.
  5. If you miss a lab it you will be required to clean the chemistry lab for 30 minutes to make up the grade. You will receive a zero until you arrange a time with me to clean the lab.

If policies are not followed one of the following consequences will be carried out.

  1. Warning to student and/or conference with student
  2. Call to parent
  3. Referral to school administration.



Contact Info

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I am available a half hour before school, a half hour after school, and during my prep if you have any questions.

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