Welcome to Mrs. Karges' Strategist Website!
Hi, I am Jackie Karges and I am an instructional strategist. I previously taught grades 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade in Hazen.
I am married to Pride and we have two grown children.
I grew up in and graduated from Hazen High School. I then attended the University of North Dakota where I earned my bachelor’s degree in Elementary and Special Education. After graduation, I taught Special Education for preschoolers in Puyallup, Washington.
I live in the country and enjoy riding horse, tending to my chickens, making various crafts with my Cricut, and enjoy reading in my spare time. If you need to contact me send an email to Jackie.Karges@k12.nd.us.
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520 1st Ave NE
Phone: 701-748-2345
Fax: 701-748-2342
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